All of the headlines without all the content.

This is Fake News...

DANGER: Keyboard warrior says he has black belt, threatens entire internet...

By: Sai Berbulle
Authorities are concerned that the situation may escalate as internet angry man threatens the internet. He won't show his name, face, or any other identifying information. At this time Qipac News is unsure if that is for his protection because he is actually a pussy, or if it is a stealth ninja tactic.

Things you can do:
Don't engage!
Engaging with him will only increase his powers, as he grows stronger the more people pay attention to him.
Block him!
While you may not be able to block his lightning fast lethal attacks, you can easily block his annoying keyboard strikes with a block.
Don't Care
Just ignore him, he's probably a harmless little pussy angry at the world that he can't deal with his emotions like a functioning human.


BREAKING: Scientists find little dick energy, believed to be the smallest discovered to date.

By: Ishmael Johnson


SCIENTISTS: We can’t decipher what this mfker talking about.

By: Dr. Rhial Dogter


How To: You can fit a surprisingly lot of garbage in one take!

By: Lot Atreash


PROGRESS: Comedian makes male guests suck him off to prove they aren’t homophobic

By: Noah Oamo


The only thing “fat phobic” is your heart and it’s time to cancel it

By: Hugh Gabitch


OPINION: Feminists are right, it’s way better to be a man lmfao:

By: Harry Schlonger


Breaking: Anon attracts cult following, normies perplexed

By: Glo Wi Huw


STUDY: This is what 0 pussy does to a mfker

By: Jack Nyanoff


SCIENTISTS: %100 correlation between gender dysphoria and mental illness

By: Madiq Kutoffski


BREAKING: Brittney Griner becomes first WNBA trade people care about...

By: Ben Overbich


The Female Orgasm and 5 other common myths that just won’t die

By: Sal Abette


Local News: Man prefers buttered people to marginalized ones.

By: Stan Fordahlmer


Gay Greek lawyer chooses a wife over femboy fantasies.

By: Jade Defemboi


Opinion: Sometimes little gifts (penis) have big suprises ($$$).

By: Anita Lottamone


OPINION: Why standardized tests make more smarterer people look gooder.

BY: Moe Ronic


DANGER: Keyboard warrior says he has black belt, threatens entire internet...

By: Sai Berbulle


Man who has produced nothing wants to seize the means of production.

By: Akahm Uniss


BREAKING: Police investigating person beat to death in QRTs

By: Stew Pidpost


DEMOCRATS: Vote for us you racist transphobe redneck bigot

By: Peto Faile


E-News: Angry black person is acting kind of like a n…

By: Wyatt Guillet


Economists: Due to inflation, free speech is now a $9.99 monthly subscription

By: Generic Corporatist


Keeping Trump in your mouth... sexual fetish?

BY: Sookin Orngman


Opinion: Kiss the homies!

By: Noah Omoah


Men are trash!!!- Cries woman who tried most of them.

By: Richard Havier


Man with racist dog has giant penis

Hugh Jepeepe