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Man with racist dog has giant penis

Hugh Jepeepe
Many menstruation cycles ago, a young fascist by the name of Dankula rose to fame after his dog revealed itself to be leading the fourth reich. Despite being arrested for the literal violence he created by forcing right wing humor on marginalized indigenous liberals of the internet, he did not stop. Enter Elon Musk. Elon Musk was granted demigod powers by the Ghost of Hitler. Using his powers (money), he granted his favorite chosen minions one wish. Dankula, having already succeeded in culling black trans women to near extinction level, decided what he needed next. To increase his status in the patriarch, he had to increase his status in his pants. Dank was granted his wish by the billionaire death machine Musk. He now has a giant penis and all the pussy hats in the world may not be able to stop him. If you read this entire thing you are probably dumb af. Donate tho frfr.


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Man with racist dog has giant penis

Hugh Jepeepe


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